Reeves Emergency Management Systems (Reeves EMS) manufacturer HDT Global sells and services a full line of emergency medical products and accessories, including fully-operational rapidly deployable emergency treatment facilities; command and control shelters and trailers; decontamination shelters, suits and accessories; patient movement equipment and gear bags.

The Reeves product name began in 1902 when James E. Reeves, a Philadelphia firefighter, filed a patent application for a flexible stretcher product. The Reeves® mark was registered in March 1903, and has been in continuous use and incorporated into multiple patents since that date. In January 2005 the brand's name was changed to Reeves EMS.
Reeves EMS mass casualty systems have been deployed as part of the U.S. Homeland Defense initiative to terrorist incident locations – including the 2001 World Trade Center site – and in disaster recovery situations, such as the 2005 Hurricane Katrina recovery effort. Additionally, a large number of mobile medical decontamination systems have been sent to emergency response organizations in the United States and around the world, including departments of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Army Reserve; state, county and local government entities; and U.S. and international corporate agencies. Recent Deployments
The Quality Management System at HDT Global is registered to ISO-9001:2008 and has been registered with QMI since 1999.