Reeves™ 10- and 25-Bed Medical Surge Facilities provide medical personnel with a rapidly-deployable, rugged, man-portable, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter in which to expand their existing bed capacities in response to a disaster or any emergency situation.
The facilities' mobile design allows for quick set-up and take-down with minimal personnel outside of a Hot Zone or devastated area where the existing infrastructure and any medical treatment capabilities have been destroyed.
Reeves™ Medical Surge Facilities use patented Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters (DRASH™), which deploy in any terrain and can withstand extreme weather and temperature conditions.
Each Medical Surge Facility features integrated doors, screen windows, ECU and utility ports and comes standard with an integrated floor, transport-style duffel bag, repair kit, push poles, wind lines and a steel pin stake set.
Basic Medical Surge Facilities include interoperable systems for heating and cooling and lighting. Patient beds are not included. More comprehensive packages that include power generation and distribution, hardened flooring, patient bedding and medical equipment are also available.