DRASH shelters are the most technologically advanced shelter systems available today, incorporating multiple patents and undergoing thorough testing for its shelters, trailers and support equipment.

DRASH shelters have been tested for rain, wind, temperature, durability, blackout and snowload at the Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) in Maryland and meet all Mil-Standard requirements for soft-walled shelters.


Test Criteria/Shelter Series
S Series
XB Series
M Series
J Series
Able to withstand 2 inches per hour of free falling and blowing rain for 30 minutes without intrusion of water into the shelter.





Able to withstand a steady wind of 55 mph for 30 minutes with gusts up to 65 mph.





Able to sustain inside ambient temperatures of +40F to +87F within an hour when subjected to extreme high and low temperature ranges of -50F to +131F.





Able to withstand a minimum of 36 erect/strike cycles without structural damage.





Interior shelter lights not visible during ingress/egress within 100 meters with the naked eye, or within 300 meters with night vision goggles.





Able to withstand 10 lbs/sq.ft. of snow load for 12 hours without damage while using All Weather Kit.